Wednesday, September 21, 2011

American Travel to Cuba?

I have dual citizenship (American / Italian). Italians flock to Cuba in the thousands, but there are legal restrictions against Americans visiting Cuba. If I were to visit Cuba this summer without permission, what are my chances of ever being caught by the US Government, and what would the penalty be?
American Travel to Cuba?
You would have to travel to Cuba from Italy using your Italian passport and have your Italian passport stamped.
But due to the laws restricting Americans I heard Cuba does not stamp American passports so I am sure you could visit if you flew from the US to Mexico and then to Cuba without a problem.

Haha and Americans think they are free?
Tell that to Europeans and they will laugh!
American Travel to Cuba?
You can't there directly from the US, otherwise you should have no problems until your return when big brother might watch you for quite a while.
You can't there directly from the US, otherwise you should have no problems until your return when big brother might watch you for quite a while.
The embargo is enforced by the Office of Foreign Assets COntrol(OFAC) Accoding to thier site, all "U.S. persons", citzens and permienant resident aliens have to comply with the restrictions, no matter where they are. Will you be less likley to be caught traveling from Italy or elsewhere than from the U.S.? Perhaps, unless U.S. authorities see the cuban visa stamp when you return to the states.

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